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What is a "Prayer-Intelligencer"?

Missionaries often try to come up with some catchy title for their prayer letters, often riffing off of some common newspaper name--Herald, Journal, Chronicle, Gazette, etc. Coming from the Pacific Northwest, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer was a well-known paper, so when I first began writing missionary prayer letters from Costa Rica more than 30 years ago (!), anyone from the Northwest would instantly recognize the Intelligencer reference. It was corny, but I thought it was clever.

Now that the Seattle P.I. newspaper has been gone for a while, the name seems a bit weird, especially to those who didn't grow up in the Northwest. However, the idea behind the name is sound--informed pray-ers are effective pray-ers. And I am deeply rooted in the understanding that prayer is necessary and effective, and so I invite people to pray for me--and pray intelligently for me. Hence, the Prayer-Intelligencer. I've been using it for more than thirty years across multiple countries, so why stop now?

But intelligent prayer is a two-way street. I am seeking to up my "intercession" game and learn to pray more diligently for those who pray for me--so as I invite you to pray for me, please tell me how I can pray for you!

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Scott Johnson
1016 McPherson Ave.
Richland, WA 99354
