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Train platform in Geneva, Switzerland

We intrepid pilgrims, Clos du Vougeut estate, Burgundy

Beaune, France

Beaune Saturday market

We ate like royalty...

Vogelsburg, Germany

The way of the cross

L to R: Justin, myself, Amy, and Amy & Andrew Funka (Alongside missionaries in Prague)

Stunning Prague, Czech Republic

Saxon-Switzerland National Park (Germany)

Remaining section of Berlin Wall

Beautiful Old Town of Kraków, Poland.

A sobering day at Auschwitz-Berkenau

Lodge where the English Camp was hosted; the games were intense (war paint was sometimes involved!)

Worship time at camp!

My patient and gracious English crew who put up with their awkward teacher.

Rewards for the long hike--good friends, amazing views.

The West Side Church team

Campfire in the rain--burning our struggles and fears in the fire!


Feet in the Meadow


Scott Signature




Alongside Ministries International Czech Evangelical Alliance


Alongside Ministries International Czech Evangelical Alliance