


My name is Scott Johnson, and I am a missionary with Alongside Ministries International, en route to begin working in the Czech Republic with the Czech Evangelical Alliance. This website is for keeping in touch with friends and supporters. Thank you for stopping by!

{  mini-update  |  21 February 2025}

"Hello, passport, my old friend.
I've got to send you off again.
Because a bureaucrat in ol' D.C.
Doesn't want to accommodate me..."

My passport has been doing more traveling than I have; it made an ill-fated trip to the Czech Embassy in Washington DC, only to be rejected and sent back to me, and now it is off to the Czech consulate in Los Angeles, where we hope and pray that it will be processed properly and in due course.

The two-week delay means cutting things rather close. My tentative departure date is now May 5...just 72 days from when I'm writing this. Of course I can't leave until I have my passport and visa in hand, so will probably need to purchase an airline ticket that will be changeable without too much penalty.

So now my days are occupied with the imminent departure from my home. The plan is to have an estate sale and list it on the market the last half of April. That's less than two months away. I'm really at peace about it all, though I know that soon is going to come the difficult moment when I gather a couple of suitcases, and walk out the door of what has always been home to me, and not be able to walk back in.

This is emblematic of so many things in life, isn't it? We can only move forward, we can never move backward. I am thankful for a God who walks forward with us, even while impelling us from the past, and welcoming us into the future.


My Latest Prayer Letter (Click Image):

  • I've been so incredibly blessed by the generosity of so many people. Overwhelmingly blessed. As of this writing, I've got only about $1200 per month still remaining to reach my full support of $5000 per month.To make a donation OR a pledge toward my financial support, visit alongside.org/donate. (To see my latest financial update, click here.)

  • To sign up to be on my regular email update list, click HERE.

check out my video presentation!


* My tentative departure date for Prague. Subject to change, of course.











Scott Johnson
1016 McPherson Ave.
Richland, WA 99354




Copyright © 2025 by Scott R. Johnson